
E-visits are similar to seeing your doctor in the clinic – just without a trip to the
clinic. E-visits can be used for in Current Situation, your medical problems or
managing on-going health conditions.

If you need immediate medical care, call 911

Most visits take just 15 minutes to 20 minutes

  • Everyday Online care costs less depending on your insurance.
  • I acknowledge that I am a resident of and am located in the State of Minnesota at the time I
    start this eClinic visit. I also acknowledge that I have read and agreed to the Informed Consent
    and Terms of Use.

Video Call (10 to 15 mins)

  • Clinician conducts interview via video
  • Treatment plan is sent to you
  • Send the prescription to the pharmacy of your choice (if applicable)
  • Please Provide Information as requested



Q: What devices can I use to access eVisit?

A: E-Visit supports the recent versions of most browsers, as well as access to apps for iOS and Android devices. There are also minimum system requirements necessary to properly conduct a video visit. An important part of a successful video visit is a strong connection and/or strong signal. If the system detects a weak signal, it may prompt you to switch to an alternate connection to successfully conduct a visit. This may mean switching to a WiFi connection if your cell coverage is not strong.

If you will be using your phone please download (ZOOM Cloud Meetings)
a meeting id and password will be sent to you.